Adding data to an html table with javascript
The purpose is to generate a table dynamically. I have seen that I can do it in several ways, but for its simplicity I wanted to simply generate a string (a list) of texts with all the HTML code that will generate the table.
First, if you want to put the information in a table, I recommend that you try to save js code, for example, putting the table directly in the HTML and also, that you always use the HTML structure that I used for this example as the base of the HTML files.
Get row from a javascript table
To improve access to data and encourage innovation, the Instituto Galego de Estatística exposes its information through two Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). In this way the data is accessible to software developers through an HTTP GET request. From these developers can obtain information from the Institute and integrate it into their own services. The use of any of the APIs implies the acceptance of the terms of use of the service that are explained at the end of this page.
Traverse javascript table
Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) was created in 2001 by seven organizations working in statistics at the international level: Bank for International Settlements (BIS), European Central Bank (ECB), Eurostat, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Statistics Division and the World Bank. These seven organizations serve as sponsors of SDMX.
The objective of SDMX was to develop and use more efficient processes for the exchange of statistical data and metadata between international organizations and their member countries. To achieve this goal, standard formats for data and metadata are provided, along with guidelines for content and an IT architecture for the exchange of data and metadata.See more…
The SDMX initiative establishes standards to facilitate the exchange of statistical data and metadata using modern information technology. Several versions of the technical specifications have been released since 2004. It is therefore important to learn more about them.
Modificar datos de una tabla javascript
Fíjate que la ‘t’ de ‘tabla’ es minúscula. Tu error está diciendo que no puede encontrar una variable llamada Table, porque en el ejemplo que di, el nombre de la variable es table. En general, es una convención de Java/Groovy usar camel case cuando se declara una variable, así que trata de mantenerlo.
Edit: Veo que el ejemplo que estás usando no usa camel case, así que no es tu culpa. De cualquier manera, no te acostumbres a nombrar tus variables con un carácter inicial en mayúscula… Te causará muchos dolores de cabeza…
Hola @Brandon_Hein gracias por todo el apoyo. Lo hice funcionar con algunos cambios porque cuando el ciclo for encontraba una coincidencia para hacer clic, el primer ciclo FOR no podía saber que tenía que parar, así que lo forcé a parar en la sentencia IF con este código: