Saltos de linea php


How can i stop php from stripping off lines breaks, i have a simple text in the mysql table and the text has line breaks or paragraph lines, but when I query the database to output the content in the page, the whole paragraph lines will be lost .

But am having issues when a text or content was copied from notedpad or wordpad with the normal line breaks or paragraph lines that exists in wordpad and or notedpad and paste it like that into the sql database, but when i retrieve it from the database and echo it in the php all lines are gone the text all joined as single text and becomes unreadable.

This isn’t a php issue and the characters are not being stripped. The issue is that new-line characters in text don’t have any meaning in html, so, when you output text in a html context, there’s no visible result. The new-line characters format the source html. If you do a ‘view source’ of the resulting output in a browser, you will see the new-line characters. The linked to nl2br function, used when you output text on a web page, adds a html <br> tag to (before) every new-line character so that you get html line breaks in the rendered output.


Skip to contentSuppose you’re building an app using PHP. (Which, since you’re reading this, you probably are.)You need to include a long string of text that needs to be broken by line breaks so it’s easy for your users to read. And so, you found yourself wondering…What’s the best way to accomplish this?To add new lines to a string in PHP, echo the string using the nl2br() function, adding \n wherever you want the lines inserted. The function will return a string with a <br /> element inserted before every \n character.It is as simple as that. If you haven’t used the nl2br() function (the name stands for “newline to break”), it takes a while to learn the ropes. In the rest of this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to use it.How the nlbr() Function WorksPHP, like most other programming languages, has support for the “end of line” or “newline” character, which tells the interpreter to insert a newline in the output of your code.This is done by using the nlbr() function. The function parses the string, looks for \n characters, then returns a new string with \n converted into <br /> elements. In turn, the user’s browser converts the <br /> elements into line breaks as it renders the DOM.Newline With /nIn the simplest implementation imaginable, your use of the nlbr() function would look like this:<?php

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Php eco

To add line breaks in html we have to use <br> tags but to add this line break to any text entry from a form or from a text area we have to use the function nl2br() in PHP. This function nl2br() searches for all the line breaks or carriage returns within a string and replace them with line break tag or <br> tag. This way we can automatically add line breaks for a web page inside a string. Here is the syntax of nl2br() function.

The most practical use of this is when users enter their data in a text area and then the details are displayed back to the visitors. Here if the visitor has used line breaks inside the text area then while displaying the details we have to take care of line breaks. The main problem while displaying will be stretching of lines horizontally. Here the single function nl2br() will take care of this.

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If you are using a text area where users are entering any message or data with line breaks then we have to retain the same format and replace all the carriage returns by tags. This can be done at the time of inserting the record to database table so while displaying we need not take care of that and the message will be displayed the way the user has entered. But if you are giving the option of editing ( at that time or in future ) to the user then the same text you have to use br2nl() function and display them inside a text area. Así que la mejor manera es almacenar el contenido del usuario sin usar la función nl2br() y en el momento de mostrarlo en un navegador ( no dentro de un cuadro de texto ) podemos usar nl2br() para asegurar los saltos de línea. Así que almacena el contenido tal cual sin usar nl2br() y sólo úsalo mientras se muestra en un navegador.

Saltos de linea php del momento

Espero que alguien pueda ayudarme con esto. Estoy teniendo problemas con un bloque de texto (con los párrafos) introducido a través de un área de texto en una interfaz web y se almacena en una base de datos MySQL ser la salida con saltos de línea en lugar de retornos de carro en el DOCX generado (estoy viendo en la palabra 2010 y el uso de un archivo de plantilla de la palabra). La sintaxis de MySQL está utilizando actualmente \r\n para separar los párrafos. ¿Cuál sería el separador apropiado para lograr un retorno de carro? ¿Existe una “mejor” manera de reemplazar el actual \r\n sin alterarlo en la base de datos?

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Gracias por la respuesta Skrol. Efectivamente, se están sustituyendo por saltos de línea (estilo shift + enter) que es lo que no quiero. ¿Cuál sería la sintaxis adecuada para mostrar un retorno de carro (sólo enter)? He probado combinaciones de lo anterior; sin embargo, todas parecen generar saltos de línea (estilo shift + enter).

Un pequeño problema que me encontré… Parece que cuando el texto del bloque contiene el signo menos que “<” se rompe el XML y el documento ya no se puede abrir. Me pregunto si esto se debe a strconv=no y si hay alguna forma de evitar este problema.

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