Insertar br javascript
You split the customItems string into an array of strings, then looped through and appended “- ” to the beginning and “\n” to the end of each string in the array. Then you just used .join() to combine the array back into a single string and appended it to the DOM.
Keep in mind that the <br> element has a very specialized purpose. According to MDN, <br> elements are only for adding line breaks in text “where the division of lines is significant” like a poem or a postal address.
Line break elements shouldn’t be used for breaking up paragraphs or increasing the spacing between elements. To do those, you should separate paragraph tags and adjust the margin in CSS to do both of those things, respectively.
In another case if i print “test\n\test” it goes to “test test”, i open dev tools and saw there is new line but how can i achieve this also in to be printed in “preview” of html, with new lines? i want to make list by adding “- ” like prefix and “\n” like suffix so it goes to new line
The code does what it is supposed to do, the problem is that he tried to manipulate a string but did not return a string, instead made it an html element. The problem is with the html element he needs to find the right way, I’m not sure if he has tried the <br> or not but it was mentioned already.
Línea de ruptura tipográfica en la cadena
In HTML, the <br> element creates a line break. You can add it wherever you want text to end on the current line and resume on the next. The HTML line break element can be used to display poems, song lyrics, or other forms of content in which the division of lines is significant to the meaning or appearance of the content.
For example, say you’re writing a blog post about how to address an envelope or package. You want to include an example of how to format the sender’s and recipient’s addresses. In that case, you could use the line break element to place the sender’s and recipient’s names, street addresses, and cities, states, and ZIP codes all on separate lines.
Below you’ll see the same address rendered in two different ways. The first uses one paragraph element and multiple line breaks. The second uses multiple paragraph elements and no line breaks. As a result, unnecessary padding and margins are added between lines.
<h2>kitchenette building</h2><p>We are things of dry hours and the involuntary plan,<br>Grayed in, and gray. “Dream” makes a giddy sound, not strong<br>Like “rent,” “feeding a wife,” “satisfying a man. ”</p><p>But could a dream send up through onion fumes<br>Its white and violet, fight with fried potatoes<br>And yesterday’s garbage ripening in the hall,<br>Flutter, or sing an aria down these rooms</p><p>Even if we were willing to let it in,<br>Had time to warm it, keep it very clean,<br>Anticipate a message, let it begin?</p><p>We wonder. But not well! not for a minute!<br>Since Number Five is out of the bathroom now,<br>We think of lukewarm water, hope to get in it.</p><p><em>-Gwendolyn Brooks</em></p>
Salto de línea css
Tal vez no sea obvio para ti mientras lees la lección anterior de concatenación de cadenas, que las cadenas resultantes impresas en los cuadros de alerta se imprimen en una sola línea. Mientras que esto es aceptable cuando se trabaja con cadenas cortas, la salida de las cadenas será a menudo demasiado larga para ser legible en una sola línea.
Recuerde – el carácter de nueva línea sólo creará un corte en el código fuente, o en un cuadro de diálogo como en los ejemplos anteriores. El carácter de nueva línea no creará un salto en el HTML renderizado. Para crear un salto de línea en el HTML renderizado, debes usar la etiqueta de salto HTML (o una etiqueta similar) en la cadena, tal como si estuvieras escribiendo el código fuente en un editor.
La nueva línea de Javascript no funciona
}Mínimo de líneas en blanco después de las importacionesNombres de las propiedades:[resharper_]js_min_blank_lines_after_imports, [resharper_]min_blank_lines_after_importsValores posibles:un enteroEjemplos:Antes de formatearDespués de formatear, valor: 0import foo from ‘foo’;
method();Envolver expresiones binarias encadenadasNombres de las propiedades:[resharper_]js_wrap_chained_binary_expressions, [resharper_]wrap_chained_binary_expressionsValores posibles:Ejemplos:Antes del formatoDespués del formato, wrap_if_longvar y = a1 + a2 + a3 + a4;
arg8;Preferir envolver antes del operador en la expresión binariaNombres de las propiedades:[resharper_]js_wrap_before_binary_opsign, [resharper_]wrap_before_binary_opsignValores posibles:true | falseEjemplos:Antes de formatearDespués de formatear, truevar x = arg1 + arg2 + arg3 + arg4 + arg5 + arg6 + arg7 + arg8;var x = arg1
par10);Prefiere envolver antes de ‘(‘ en la invocaciónNombres de las propiedades:[resharper_]js_wrap_before_invocation_lpar, [resharper_]wrap_before_invocation_lparValores posibles:true | falseEjemplos:Antes de formatearDespués de formatear, truemethod(par1, par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7, par8, par9, par10);method